Monday, May 02, 2005

What I see in you...

This weekend I went to a Wiccan celebration of the coming summer, known as Beltane.
It consisted of drumming, community celebration, socializing and ceremony. I enjoyed it immensely.

The ceremony was very simple. They passed around a cup full of apple cider. Thanks was given to deity, in this case the god and goddess. Then one person turned to the next and told them a favorable attribute that they saw within the person they were addressing. People who had known the person next to them for five minutes or twenty-nine years participated. And I thought it was wonderful that everybody had something good to say. It was heartfelt and beautiful.

It took place under the falling light and misting rain. The sense of community was powerful and reassuring that if more people tries to see the everyday goo din one another, then perhaps the world wouln't see so scary.


Blogger -G.D. said...

I knew I liked you for a reason. May you find the truest light in your journeys.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

"if more people tries to see the everyday good in one another, then perhaps the world wouldn't see so scary."

sometimes I fail but always try. It really has it rewards, the gems I have found when I took the time to listen, you just can't buy that with money.

Your post about freedom touched me. I have been on both sides (chained to a cubical and out on the land). I could feel grass blowing in the wind. I know the sound the car door makes when you have done your 8 hours and you are freed from your desk (if your lucky you can leave your stress behind waiting for your return). My writing gives me away, my path is near the water with the wind in my hair. It is the path with the most "heart" for me. But I would argue that many find the samething at their desks.

You leave me with a question. What is down the road? What boundless possibilities have you found? Maybe as you lay down the layers of your Path in this blog I will begin to understand the good in you. Have a safe journey.

A fellow traveler
Farmer chris

12:26 AM  
Blogger Footprint said...

G.D.- yea. i am pretty likeable. i will be going to Maryland on June 15th to the 19th.
Blessed Be.

Farmer Chris: Thank you so much for sharing.

"What is down the road? What boundless possibilities have you found?"

It is the possiblity of hope for my people and my planet. that eternal hope that i whisper in prayers that a healing may begin and people will get along. Things seem bad, but the small strides we make each day, even little ones, bring us closer than we have been to something better. and that is what i wish to give my children when i have them. that is what i want to give my friends kids that our community raises.
To see the possibilities in every day is no simple thing when you hit your head on the car door some days. But searching and learning and listening are ways to do such.

Yea, my writing gives me a way. The layers of this blog are but one of many. As they are with most. It is good to have people on this journey. Though our experiences be different the path is in the same direction.
Take care. And please visit again.

"Have a safe journey."
You too.

7:14 AM  
Blogger Christopher said...

I glad to know that I am but one of many and now I have found one more.

Yes, that is so true, different paths in the same direction.

I will visit often, listen more than I write and ask for understanding so that I may learn the truth.

7:11 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Hi, Sojourning Crow. Thanks for the re-direction back at Constantly Amazed... 8^)

7:50 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

That seems like it would be a really great time.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Footprint said...

it was and a moving piece of humanity, let me tell ya. they best of human passion and compassion...

1:48 PM  

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