Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Round here...

I went in to a bodega to buy my girl some flowers. I asked the guy behind the counter where he was from. He told me he was from Cambodia. I said that I would like to visit there some day. He offered me a smoke. I don't smoke, but accepted and thanked him.

As I was on my way to work I had to leave a large metropolis of about 11 million people. The streets at 6:15 in the morning weren't that crowded and very few people were scurrying to get to wherever they were planning to go. I watched this one kid cross the street in front of a large cathedral. He blessed himself out of respect and kept on trucking it to his employment.

Walking up the street I became aware of a kid following me in a burka of sorts. His face was covered and it was black. He had green khakis on and carried nothing. Should I tell someone, should I be suspicious?? Should I hold him to the ground and call the cops?? Should I let him greet the rising sun, like I do every day??


Blogger -G.D. said...

Is number 3 really a small smiles moment? Made me laugh out loud.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Footprint said...

yes it is b/c it reminds me of the sovereignty that should be afforded every one. the times we are living in generate suspicion. " Should I let him greet the rising sun, like I do every day??" is a reflection of that within me. That person, regardless of any suspicion has the same rights to life as I.
Small smiles was to make me smile that there is still good in the world. What could be better than to show that yes, we can still trust one another. that we are all members of the human race and should be given the respect of existence that we ask of others. my hope for humanity...

4:08 AM  
Blogger -G.D. said...

Ahh...and I stand corrected. That is a lovely thought. Thanks for sharing.

12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice to find a blog with such positive observances. Just what I needed today!

9:13 AM  

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